Cover last issue

the market I

Publisher’s supplement in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung», airport business lounges, as an e-paper and online at

Publication date
Friday, 19 April 2024
Advertising deadline
Friday, 5 April 2024
Print material deadline
Friday, 12 April 2024

Journalistic concept

Investing with a system

1. Portfolio strategies:

  • Diversification and asset allocation
  • Risk management and expected returns
  • Long-term vs. short-term investment strategies

3. Warning signals:

  • Volatility and market turbulence
  • Economic indicators and geopolitical risks
  • Valuation levels and interest rate trends

5. ESG (environment, social, governance):

  • Importance of ESG factors in investment decisions
  • Integration of sustainability targets into the portfolio
  • ESG-orientated investment opportunities

7. How to invest over the cycle:

  • Economic cycles and market trends
  • Tactical vs. strategic adjustments
  • Long-term objectives and short-term opportunities

Subject to change

Journalistisches Konzept

Anlegen mit System

2. Asset classes including cryptocurrencies:

  • Traditional asset classes (equities, bonds)
  • Alternative asset classes (property, commodities)
  • Cryptocurrencies and their potential

4. How to create 1 million:

  • Savings and investment discipline
  • Long-term investment strategies and goals
  • Risk tolerance and diversification

6. Factor strategies:

  • Value, growth, quality and other factors
  • Quantitative models and factor premiums
  • Factor investments to minimise risk and increase returns

Target group for advertising

«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»


NZZ readers in this group

Total sold circulation

87 691 copies*

Investment frequency: frequent


Readership inc. e-Paper

243 000 persons*

Total assets exceeding
CHF 1 000 000.–


*MACH BASIC 2023-2

**MACH Consumer 2023

Additional copies


Additional print run in airport business lounges

23 000 copies

Reach business travellers in a relaxing reading atmosphere in the business lounges at the Zurich and Basel airports along with other major airports in Germany

Sending of e-paper to «The Market Daily» newsletter subscribers

70 000 contacts

Price b&w/colour

Type area

Gruppe 215

2/1 pages

CHF 39 100

612 × 440 mm

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500

291 × 440 mm

Gruppe 213

1/2 page landscape
1/2 page landscape, next to text

CHF 11 700
CHF 17 000

291 × 218 mm
291 × 218 mm

Gruppe 197

1/3 page landscape, next to text

CHF 12 100

291 × 144 mm


1/4 page landscape
1/4 page landscape, next to text

CHF 6 100
CHF 10 200

291 × 108 mm
291 × 108 mm

8tel Seite

1/8 page, portrait

CHF 4 900

291 × 53 mm

Millimetre rates
Next to text
Adverising panel


Article-teaser placed in newsletter «The Market Daily», text ad
Published MO-SA, can be booked on a daily basis (33 000+ circulation, opening rate ca. 40%)

CHF 600 / day

Sponsored article (Sponsored Content) at (12 000 Impressions of the article-teaser)

CHF 900 / day

All rates in Swiss Francs, gross, exc. 8.1% VAT


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Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager

+41 44 258 12 63


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