Happy 1st Birthday NZZone!

Even though April 1 is «April Fools Day», we are not fooling around! We are celebrating our 1st birthday with 1,000 guests and starting now our name is NZZtwo, not least because from now onwards we are in the second year of our existence.

Well, only kidding! We are sticking closely to the Corona rules as we celebrate our first birthday with just a few people, and our name remains NZZone. It has to be like this as we are resolutely following the course we embarked on earlier as a «content-driven marketing organisation in the premium segment».

And we wish to pay tribute to you and not ourselves. You are at the centre of everything we do. We want to offer you the best possible services. And now and then we want to surprise you, like today – whether with this newsletter in its new format or our new, user-friendly, stylish web-site which includes our new ultra-flexible offer filter with its «no holds barred» range of possible combinations on nzzone.ch.

Or with a competition on the occasion of our first birthday: we have organised a prize draw in which the prize is a full page in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung». Now that really isn’t a joke! Click on the following link for information on how to enter.

Enjoy the Easter holiday and kind regards on behalf of the entire NZZone Crew,

Adrian Näf

Business Director NZZone


Mit dem NZZone Newsletter informieren wir regelmässig über unsere Aktivitäten und Neuheiten.