When Zurich and Geneva join forces
We are already seeing the first results of the closer cooperation between the «NZZ» and «Le Temps» in the field of supplements. It is evident that the close collaboration between the two publishing houses is of benefit to both readers and advertisers.

With effect from the beginning of 2023, NZZone, the marketing organisation of the NZZ Group, has assumed exclusive responsibility for the marketing of the print titles of West Switzerland’s «Le Temps» in the national advertising market. Close cooperation in the publication of supplements is also planned as part of the strategic partnership between these two long-standing organisations.
The first concrete result of this strategy saw the light of day as early as the end of January 2023 in the shape of a collaborative project undertaken by the two media houses. The publisher’s supplement «Financial Year 2023» appeared in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» on January 27th 2023 and was followed just a few days later when «Le Temps» published a special under the name of «L’œil économique» on the occasion of «Horizon 2023», Western Switzerland’s financial forum. This publisher’s supplement contained guidance and viewpoints compiled by the NZZ Content Creation team to enable readers to take successful and well thought-out investment decisions during the coming financial year. As well as the usual rankings by well-known experts drawn from all parts of Switzerland, the new cooperation opened doors to make the publication of an interview with Marie-France Tschudin, one of Novartis’ most senior executives, possible as well as an in-depth analysis of crypto-investments.
But it is not only readers who gain from the cooperation between Zurich and Geneva. The strategic partnership is also of particular benefit to advertisers as it enables them to reach a wider public both in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland where, we need hardly remind you, tradition and quality are highly valued in both regions. Thanks to the cooperation, advertisers reach 300,000 readers spread throughout Switzerland – without any material increase in expenditure for commissioning editors.
This is particularly apparent in guest articles and sponsored content articles, for example. These are written and laid out by the experienced team of NZZ Content Creation before translation by a professional translator working for a respected translation agency followed by copy-editing by French-speaking staff including any stylistic amendments needed to meet regional usage. This process ensures that the stringent quality-related demands of the editorial supplements of the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and «Le Temps» are met. The overwhelmingly favourable reactions from everyone attending the Horizon 2023 forum at the IMD in Lausanne highlight the success of this approach.
The publisher’s supplement «Financial Year 2023» was the successful pilot project of the cooperation between the «NZZ» and «Le Temps» and is due to be followed by frequent special and publisher’s supplements covering the widest possible range of subjects and sectors. In a further potential new development, the supplements could also be extended to include Italian-speaking Switzerland. Thus following the strategic partnership with «Le Temps» covering French-speaking Switzerland, the extent of the partnership with the Ticino-based publishing house «Corriere del Ticino» is being broadened, with NZZone taking over the newspaper’s print marketing, therefore enabling it to offer premium promotional environments for the German, French and Italian-speaking markets.
If you have any questions about commercialisation, please do not hesitate to contact the sales team.