Media Quality Rating 2022
Within the framework of the media quality rating of the Stifterverein Medienqualität Schweiz (Swiss Media Quality Association), 51 information media in the country were examined for their quality. In what is already the fourth ranking, the printed edition of the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» once again leads the category of daily and online newspapers. «NZZ am Sonntag» takes second place in the group of Sunday newspapers and magazines. Both publications are also ranked at the top of the ten most influential media publications shaping opinion on political and economic issues.

«Neue Zürcher Zeitung» has the highest ranking in its segment in the audience survey, again clearly surpassing its best ranking for 2020. According to the website of the Media Quality Rating, the results indicate that the audience evidently appreciates media with a clear commitment to quality in years of crisis.

«NZZ am Sonntag» scores highest in reporting quality and surpasses its personal best in the overall ranking. In the categories of relevance, classification performance and professionalism, the publication is performing better than ever before.

For the first time, a new key indicator was added to the media quality rating: The impact score shows the effect that the media publications surveyed have on the shaping of opinion when it comes to political and economic topics. Both «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and «NZZ am Sonntag» ranked first here. The impact score is based in equal parts on reach and user frequency on the one hand, and on the gain in information and understanding of political and economic issues on the other.
The quality of the media in the Media Quality Rating 2022 was assessed using two scientific methods: content analysis and a representative audience survey, which examined the quality perception of four media groups with comparable journalistic orientation. These include daily and online newspapers, tabloids and commuter newspapers, Sunday newspapers and magazines, as well as radio and television programmes.
You can find more information about the rating here:
MQR Switzerland