
of «NZZ am Sonntag» readers attach more importance to the quality of the product than the price when buying food.


The readers of «NZZ am Sonntag» are concerned about what is put into their bodies. First think, then eat has an affinity of 144.


Regionality is an important factor for the readership of «T» magazine. 83% buy Swiss food whenever possible.


When it comes to wine, I prefer to go to a specialised wine shop. The affinity for this statement among «T» readers is 206. 

Source: MACH Consumer 2024
Affinity = index for target group proximity. An index of 120 means that the proportion of the target group in the medium in question is 20% higher than in the population as a whole.


You will find the right sort of environments for your products and services here as well as placements to suit your needs. You have a wide range of options – from classic insertions to customised approaches. And all this in the familiar national premium universe. Let us inspire you!

Wine & Indulgence special

NZZ am Sonntag

Varied recipes with wine pairings or expert tips on how to handle wine: the «Wine & Indulgence» supplement offers our readership the right tools and you as an advertiser the right environment.

Wine & Indulgence special

Le Temps

The supplement in French-speaking Switzerland is in no way inferior to its German-speaking Swiss counterpart when it comes to «Wine & Indulgence» and, wherever possible, focuses on regional specialities. Your message resonates with a very receptive audience.

At Home, Wine Cellar or Visiting environment

NZZ am Sonntag Magazin

Do you want to position yourself with the right drink or food in the editorial environment of recipes or wine? Then we have just the right headings for you under «Bellevue».

Key topic


Do you want one issue to be dedicated entirely to the topic of «indulgence» that is relevant to you? Then this key topic is just right for you and your advertising.

Recette or en carafe environments


The two sections «Recette» and «en carafe» unite the worlds of food and wine. Does this also correspond to your communication approach?

Key topic


If culinary trends are important to you, you should definitely get an overview of the key topic of «Dining & Indulgence».

Cooking & Enjoying environment

NZZ Bellevue

Are you looking for a lifestyle portal that inspires and reaches a target group that is keen to consume? Then your advertising message is in good hands here.

Special interest newsletter

NZZ Bellevue

Newsletters that focus on a specific topic are highly valued by recipients. Are you also interested in the topics «Wine cellar» and «Cooking & Enjoying»?

Guided tastings

NZZ Live

Talking about indulgence is one thing, experiencing the varied cuisine live on site is another. That’s why our culinary experts organise seminars and tastings and offer you the ideal platform as a sponsor.


NZZ Live

Do you want to bring your brand to life and gain access to exclusive encounters with like-minded people? In this format, NZZ editors take participants to inspiring places.

Success Stories

Is your curiosity aroused? Would you like to find out more about successful implementations and their outcomes? Here you will find a compact overview of exemplary campaigns. Your brand could be the next success story!


Starting point

The SCHULER St. Jakobs Kellerei has set itself ambitious objectives for the recruitment of new customers for its wines. To help them achieve these goals, they concluded an agreement with NZZone for collaboration extending over a two-year period in March 2021.

Methods employed

  • Large format classic print advertisements promoting the wine packages in the right environments
  • Affiliate advertisements with revenue-sharing by NZZone in the sale of wine packages
  • 1/3 page advertisements with vouchers under the «Wine cellar» heading in «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin»
  • Pre-printed inserts with more detailed information promoting offers
  • Creation of offers and sales in the NZZ Shop with appropriate communication activities
  • Pictorial advertisements with wine packages in the «Wine cellar» Newsletter
  • Performance-controlled native ads in nzz.ch and NZZ Bellevue



new customer ratio in the
«NZZ am Sonntag»


ROI with inserts in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and «NZZ am Sonntag»

> 6 347

wine packages


Schuler St. Jakobskellerei / Mitarbeiter Portrait/ Aufgenommen am 10. August 2020, in der Cafeteria der Schuler St. Jakobskellerei in Seewen, SZ.

«The SCHULER St. Jakobs Kellerei, established in 1694 and therefore one of Switzerland’s oldest wine merchants, has committed itself to the vision of using discoveries and innovation to create enthusiasm for our wines and therefore win new customers. I am delighted to have found a media partner in NZZone which shares our passion for sustainable and first-class communication and is assisting us to achieve our objectives through its expertise and multi-faceted range of on-line and off-line media.»

Henning Retzlaff
Former Head of Marketing, Schuler St. Jakobs Kellerei


Andrew Schuster

International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63

Let’s start your campaign together!