The readers of «NZZ am Sonntag» like to treat themselves to a holiday. In the area of annual holiday budgets over CHF 15 000.–, the affinity is 307.


Cultural and educational trips are very popular with the readers of «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin». The affinity for this is 208.


The readers of «T» magazine like to stay in luxury hotels. This shows an affinity of 162.


The readership of «Le Temps» regularly attends cultural events. This confirms an affinity of 213.

Source: MACH Consumer 2024
Affinity = index for target group proximity. An index of 120 means that the proportion of the target group in the medium in question is 20% higher than in the population as a whole.


You will find the right sort of environments for your products and services here as well as placements to suit your needs. You have a wide range of options – from classic insertions to customised approaches. And all this in the familiar national premium universe. Let us inspire you!

Weekend section

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

This section is published in the Saturday edition and is dedicated to topics such as «travel» and «culture». It offers an exciting environment for your advertising message.

Travel special

NZZ am Sonntag

Are seasonal factors central to your communication? Then you’ve come to the right place. The quarterly supplement curates seasonal ideas and tips.

Cultural highlights special

NZZ am Sonntag

A yearly overview of the most important cultural events would be a great thing? We think so too and offer this in a detailed special. Just the right environment for you.

Knowledge / Culture section

NZZ am Sonntag

If you are looking for an environment with cultural events and in-depth reports, this section is definitely the right choice and enjoys a high standing among readers.

Travel special

Le Temps

We also write extensively about the most wonderful time of the year in «Le Temps». This special is perfect for all brands in the travel industry. Would you like to be part of it?

Entre–Temps section

Le Temps

Every Saturday, the edition «Le Temps Week-end» is published, which, with its second section «Entre–Temps», explores societal topics and everything one could desire, spanning across 20 pages.

Hiking or Local Recreation Area environment

NZZ am Sonntag Magazin

The «hiking» and «local recreation area» sections, which alternate weekly, offer an ideal environment for national and international advertising customers.

Key topics

NZZ am Sonntag Magazin

Do you want one issue to be dedicated entirely to a topic that is relevant to you? Then you’re sure to find what you’re looking for in our key topics such as «Travel» and «Luxury».

Destination environment


Do you get excited about detailed hotel and destination reports? Us too! We offer you an exclusive, high-class environment in every issue.

Key topics


If lifestyle and trends are important to you, you should definitely take a look at our key topics. By the way, «Z» is also available in 4- and 5-star hotels!

Key topics


Looking for topics such as «Adventure», «Travel», «Art and Luxury» or «Summer»? «T» offers you a variety of high-quality topics with the right target group.

Key topics

Automobil Revue / Revue Automobile

Does your brand operate in the areas of mobility, travel or culture and want to shift into the next gear? With key topics such as «the dawn of a new era» and «luxury living», we offer you the perfect environment.

Feuilleton or Travel


The leading online quality medium comprehensively covers the topics of «culture» and «travel» in its sections and can also be used to place advertising.

Travel and Discovery

NZZ Bellevue

Are you looking for a lifestyle portal that inspires and reaches a target group that loves travelling and exploring? Then your advertising message is in good hands here.

Special interest newsletter

NZZ Bellevue

Newsletters that focus on a specific topic are highly valued by recipients. Are «Concierge» or «Postcard» your topics?


NZZ Megahertz

Have you planned advertising in the form of an audio message and are looking for a format that reflects on social issues?


NZZ Live

Do you want to bring your brand to life and gain access to exclusive encounters with like-minded people? In this format, NZZ editors take participants to inspiring places.

60 minutes

NZZ Live

The focus is on important topics and trends that concern the Swiss population in everyday life. A transfer of knowledge by experts takes centre stage.


NZZ Live

This format provides insights into the lives of successful personalities or NZZ correspondents. Benefit from the positive reputation through the connection with the leading medium.


NZZ Live

This series of events combines performances by intellectual live acts with a personal dialogue. This allows you to showcase your brand in a relaxed environment.

NZZ goes to the cinema

NZZ Live

Do you want to reach a target group interested in film? NZZ Live makes it possible and invites you to an evening at the cinema with an exclusive preview followed by a discussion of the film.

Zurich Film Festival


The ZFF attracts an innovative, film-oriented and wealthy audience. With a partnership, you can present your brand in an exclusive premium environment.

Success stories

Is your curiosity aroused? Would you like to find out more about successful implementations and their outcomes? Here you will find a compact overview of exemplary campaigns. Your brand could be the next success story!

Starting point

Edelweiss was looking for a long-term, content-driven partnership on the appropriate channels in order to credibly bring the destinations directly served to a receptive readership and present them to a broader target audience together with their tourist offices. The holiday airline has opted for an all-round carefree package from NZZone and NZZ Content Creation, for which a series of travel tips has been created.

Methods employed

  • Twelve whole pages of sponsored content in «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin»
  • digitally extended as sponsored content on NZZ Bellevue
  • Story placement: 48 hours on the website and 7 days in the appropriate section
  • Advertising via native ads on NZZ Bellevue
  • Advertising in NZZ and NZZ Bellevue newsletters
  • Facebook paid post via NZZ Bellevue channel
  • Expert dossier and teaser on behalf of the Chief Commercial Officer of Edelweiss


3.7 Mio.

generated contacts via
«NZZ am Sonntag Magazin»

47 126

article views achieved
on NZZ Bellevue


average length of stay
in minutes on the articles



«Wanting to appeal to a targeted readership with a penchant for travelling, we decided to focus on sponsored content in the «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin» and to use the digital lifestyle platform NZZ Bellevue. Close co-operation with NZZ Content Creation has resulted in high-quality content that meets our high quality standards. We were able to present twelve Edelweiss destinations and thus awaken the wanderlust of our existing and potential customers.»

Nina Wach
Head of Brand Management & Marketing Communications, Edelweiss


Andrew Schuster

International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63

Let’s start your campaign together!